Where’s Scully?
Sara B.
led the trio into the office. Scully sat at the little table that she’d scrounged up to serve as a desk reading something
on the Laptop’s screen. She welcomed the guys warmly. Frohike greeted her in his usual smarmy way. They both knew it
was a joke and they were comfortable with it.
Scully really
liked the three Geeks. She always thought of herself as a geek so to her it was a bond of like creatures, so to speak. As
soon as the pleasantries were done, she turned off her machine and made her exit citing a previous engagement.
Frohike noticed the shy
way she’d acted when telling them. Her obvious disappointment as she looked
at Mulder when she realized he wasn’t going to ask her about it.
After she left, Mulder
was showing off the newly returned office. He was so busy pointing out this and that he failed to notice that Frohike was
taking his own little tour.
When he finished Mulder
asked “so what do you think?”
Langly and Byers both gave words of encouragement but
Frohike remained silent. “One precinct yet unheard from. Come on Frohike
spit it out.” Mulder was grinning.
“Where’s Scully?”
“She left. You watched her go out the door. Surly
you remember. Don’t you?” The amused Mulder placed his hand on Frohike’s
“No Mulder, I’m
asking in this office where is Scully? I see you everywhere but I don’t see one thing, besides her laptop that says
Agent Scully works here. She doesn’t even have a space for her medical books.
Hell she has a lopsided table not a desk. AND she doesn’t have a nameplate on said table nor on the door. So
I repeat Mulder where is Scully?”
Mulder looked around the
office. He started pointing a few times but stopped each time as he realized it wasn’t a Scully thing. Suddenly his
left hand went to his hip and he buried his face in the right. Shaking his head the guys heard him mumble “you incredible
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Two weeks later:
Scully opened the office
door, Mulder sat at his desk reading some magazine. He gave her a perfunctory greeting but never really acknowledged her.
She shrugged it off just like nearly every other morning. She removed her coat and walked toward her ’area’. The
sight made her step back two paces and look around to Mulder. This time he was standing behind her with a huge grin and a
bouquet of flowers.
“Mulder, I don’t
“About time don’t
you think?”
Stunned Scully walked
over and sat down in her new chair in front of her new desk that held her new nameplate that read simply “Special Agent
Dana Scully MD” She turned toward Mulder and smiled.
Thanks for reading