Sara B's Blog
Thursday, 27 October 2005

Mood:  happy
Topic: General
Sorry for not posting sooner - Wilma past south of us and all we had was some gusts and rain. The sun shown in the afternoon. My favorite weather person, Denis Phillips was on the air from Sunday evening till the 11:00 report Monday. To top things off we got a cold snap the next day.

Posted by sabo727 at 6:39 PM EDT
Sunday, 23 October 2005
Waiting and Posting
Mood:  hug me
Topic: General
Posted Assisted Suicide on site.
Waiting for Wilma to hit Florida. We live in the Tampa Bay area and supposedly it is slated to go south of us but I'm still a basket case.
We're waiting to see if we need to evacuate.


Posted by sabo727 at 10:23 AM EDT
Tuesday, 18 October 2005

Mood:  down
Topic: General
Today I am nearly imobilized by plain old fear. Wilma might be headed this way and I just can't seem to funtion. I've had so many things going on lately and darn few of them good that I just feel horrible.

Posted by sabo727 at 9:53 AM EDT
Monday, 17 October 2005
New Stories to Site
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Sara's Reading Nook
Added 'Married Life' and Birth of a my site.
Go read, go ahead I won't tell anyone.

Posted by sabo727 at 3:46 PM EDT
Friday, 14 October 2005
The Curse Continues
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: General
The tally of self induced injuries are just stacking up with the addition of tripping on my hubby's steel toed work boots and breaking my second toe - you know the one next to the big one that I ripped a lot of skin off of last week! Yeah that one!
I am a walking talking disaster area but thankfully the only victim of my new clumsiness is ME.
I told D last night that I think his dad is seeking revenge against me. We were on 'polite' terms with each other. I sort of wrote he (and his wife) off when they bragged how much they spent on D's sister's kids on D's birthday and they didn't even remember that it was his birthday. Oh, when they told me that that didn't like me did not help their case much either.
Oh well, what ever is causing this has to end soon - Oh God please!

Posted by sabo727 at 1:40 PM EDT
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
Getting Rediculous
Mood:  irritated
Topic: General
Since last Thursday I have been cursed. Tore off some major hunks of skin from my left foot big toe, self inflicted deep and painful scratch, burned my left hand and yesterday the area surrounding my left eye started to hurt and today it looks slighly bruised - I have not been hit. So somebody tell me what is going on?
Yikes, at this rate my left side is going to riot!

Posted by sabo727 at 6:59 PM EDT
Sunday, 9 October 2005
Another Day Another Injury
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: General
Okay I thought that I had broken the spell of injuring myself - WRONG!
Today I was making breakfast and managed to burn my left hand between the thumb on index finger. Thankfully it isn't too bad but I have to ask - what the heck is going on?

Good Day All

Hey, if anyone is actually reading this stuff let me know.

Posted by sabo727 at 9:54 AM EDT
Saturday, 8 October 2005
Updated My Site and other such nonsense
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Sara's Reading Nook
Added Empty and Glow to the website.

Okay, I have no idea what is going on with me. I can't seem to stop doing damage to my body. Thursday I caught my big toe and ripped off a lot of skin from the bottom. Yesterday I scratched myself badly - don't ask, believe me you don't want to know. So today I'm just waiting. Den has threatened to pack me in cotton.

Take care

Posted by sabo727 at 2:09 PM EDT
Thursday, 8 September 2005
New Stories Added to Site
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Sara's Reading Nook
Added "Lap Birthday 2 - Not Exactly Martha Stewart" and "Getting Back" to my site.
Let me know what you think!

Posted by sabo727 at 5:46 PM EDT
Saturday, 3 September 2005
Waiting is Over
Mood:  blue
They unhooked all life support a few minutes before noon. Roy lasted for a few moments then passed on.

Posted by sabo727 at 12:56 PM EDT

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